Welcome to the world, dear, sweet Molly! Here's hoping you're as excited about the rest of what humanity has to offer as you appear to be with your first bite of rice cereal!
On the other hand, I have stayed busy with my writing and am happy to announce the availability of my sixth and final installment of my Laramie on the Lam kids' adventure series on Amazon (http://tiny.cc./emnqn), Barnes and Noble (http://tiny.cc/6jhte), Omnilit (http://tiny.cc/uqa9s), Smashwords (http://tiny.cc/ydx83), and Quakeme.com (http://tiny.cc.kzgod). It's called Laramie Conquers the Last Frontier and it ties up all those loose, mysterious, funny ends I left dangling from the other installments. I think your kids will like it. I'd be pleased if you'd take a look if you have a chance.
Another happy note: Echelon Press will be publishing my Laramie on the Lam series in print! I don't have all the details as yet, but I do know the stories will be combined into one book and I've incorporated study guides at the end of each story for those homeschool parents (or any parents, for that matter) who may want to quiz their kids on the educational tidbits I threw in there.
Until the next time...